As the title says, is down and you can't access it. Because of that, I can't do anything POM related or update anything about POM. The forums partially work though but you can't do a whole lot there. Just be patient and wait for it to go back up. :P

A few reminders however.

The poll will be closing this Saturday. Get your votes in before it's too late! Every vote counts.
POMmer of the Hill will be ending by the end of the month. I have enough entries to quickly split the contestants in half and move on but if you want to prevent that from happening, better get them in!
Review Zen has been rebooted and we already have a new review. It's from Powerstars and the review is on Kyoufuu's Take it Easy EP. Read it when you get the chance! :)

That is all for updates! Have a nice day!

I have submitted a new article called, "What to do During POM Block". It lists methods of what you can do while you have POM block. 

I hope you guys find this helpful! Also, leave a rate and a comment on the blog.

CLICK HERE to read it!
(Taken straight from the forum post on the thread)

Alright then. I'm opening the site again. Reviews can come rolling in now. 

I've also added more information and changed some bits on the home page and the How it Works page so read it over. If you have any questions and comments on either of those two pages, post it here!

Review Zen is going to be more strict on submissions. I have to admit that I've let some poorly written reviews go through but I want to make sure that the reviews that go on here have at least some quality in their work. 

That is all. Have a great day everyone!
Hey guys! There's no news about me today except Review Zen is going up soon but here's some good news!

Faceless Culture's album, 'Untamed' was the first band on POM Records to receive a bronze certification for an album! 

Faceless Culture is managed by RIOTMAK3R and they're one of the latest bands to join POM Records so that's quite an awesome achievement. Congratulations to them!
Okay so Review Zen is still in the process of a reboot. 

First off, I decided to use keep everything the same. There are going to be a few changes and those changes will be for the better.

One of them will be the implementation of a standardized system. This means that all reviewers to have to use the system that I select and implement as opposed to letting you guys use whatever rating system that you wanted to use.

Here's what I'm thinking about so far: CLICK HERE

Another one will be categories for reviews. They'll be by genre so it will be easier to find them and you can pick reviews based on the genre that you want to pick. 

Another thing that I want you to do is CLICK HERE and answer my questions. This will help me improve Review Zen.

There will be more changes to follow. Feel free to post on the thread or post a comment here about your thoughts on Review Zen.
Hey guys. Just a few more updates about what's going on with me.

I released a new song on It's called, 'Progression of Aggression' and it only has 2 rates so far. It would be great if you checked it out and rated it and it would be even more helpful to give me some constructive criticism. Click here to listen to it.

My contest, POMmer of the Hill is going well but we're still stuck in the first round. Only four contestants have submitted their song so far and it would be great if I have more. If you're participating in POMmer of the Hill, you should get your song ready! Go to the thread to find more information.

Review Zen may be getting a reboot. The thread got bumped and some people are interested in reviewing so I was thinking, "Why not?" and now it has a possibility of getting revived. You can start here and answer those questions. 

That's it for updates but again, this site continues to be updated so stay tuned for more blog posts!
Thanks to the chart that has been put up by TheGhostofRickJames, I got to see how many downloads my debut EP has. POM Records itself has increased the download count by 10 while the Cookies & Biscuits Records version has 20. 

For an album that has been released in March 2011 and that has existed for about a year and a half, I definitely think that I could do better. I do have to admit though that I didn't advertise it as much as I could have and that may be why I didn't get so many downloads. Maybe you can download the EP from my music page and increase the download count. ;D

Hopefully when the first full length LP comes, that album will definitely get more downloads than the EP. I'll need to do some advertising and spread the word!

Speaking of my LP, that also reminds me. I am working on my debut LP release which will also be the first full length POM album. That is all I can tell you so far however but more details will follow soon!
I've added in some of my works on this site. Just click on one of the tabs and see what I've added. 
I have also included a chatango for you guys to leave messages for me or have conversations on there. 

There is still more to come and this site will continue to be updated. Just watch out and stay tuned!
Hey guys. Thanks for visiting the site if I even have any visitors haha. This is my site so far and hopefully you'll see stuff going here soon enough. 

I thought about having a site for my POM stuff since it's scattered on and having a separate site will just keep it in one spot and that spot is this website!

Hopefully, I'll make use of this thing and will continue to update the site with more news as we go along and new content is added to the site.


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